Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Intrigue 1 (2022)

Science Fiction

The story focuses on the exploits of rivals Reinhard von Lohengramm and Yang Wen-li, as they rise to power and fame in the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance, respectively.


Reinhard von Lohengramm
Cazellnu, Alex
Fischer, Edwin
Greenhill, Frederica
Huang, Louis
Kempff's Wife
Kempff, Gustav Isaac
Kempff, Karl Franz
Alarcon, Sandle
Kempff, Karl Gustav
Kesserling, Rupert
Mashengo, Louis
Minci, Julian
Rubinsky, Adrian
von Oberstein, Paul
von Reuenthal, Oskar
Attenborough, Dusty
Bergengrün, Hans Eduard
Bittenfeld, Fritz Joseph
Blumhardt, Rainer
Boltik, Nikolas
Bucock, Alexander
