Girl and the Sea (1981)


Yesterday's schoolgirl has a cherished dream - to devote her life to the sea. But she is not accepted into the nautical school. Then she, with the help of her friends, secretly enters the training ship "Comrade" and, together with all the cadets, undergoes practical training at sea.


курсант Владимир
дед Алексей
курсант Юрий
Ирина, подруга курсанта Зиновия
капитан Антон Иванович
боцман Гнат Гнатыч
руководитель практики Николай Сергеевич
Юлия, мать курсанта Зиновия
дед Макар
дед Фёдор


Original Music Composer
Camera Operator
Production Design