Every Other Weekend (1990)


Camille, a mercurial César-winning actress, has seen better times. Estranged from her husband, she's with her children only every other weekend. It's her weekend, but her agent has booked her to MC a Rotary club dinner in Vichy. She takes them with her, and when her husband learns this, he demands to pick them up at once. She bolts in a rented car to the seaside, trying to improve her relations with the children, especially the precocious and distant Vincent. He loves astronomy. A rare meteor shower is due in a few days, so she suggests they go to a plateau in Spain hoping to see it. He agrees, but the relationship remains difficult, and her husband is on their trail.


Camille Valmont
Albert, le maître d'hôtel
Directeur Hertz
Le prestidigitateur
Le médecin
La femme de chambre
L'employée Hertz
Le cheuffeur du bus
Le contre-bassiste
La gérante de l'hôtel
Le réceptionniste de l'hôtel Vichy
Homme banque
Le fils maghrébein
Directeur groupe scolaire
l'agent de Camille
Stéphane Frantet
Graziella Jacquet


Director of Photography
Production Design
Costume Designer