Grandmother (1940)


"Grandmother" is a highly romanticized autobiographical novel by a Czech 19th century writer, Bozena Nemcova. It's a classical, compulsory reading in Czech schools, about a wise, working-class woman, happier in her simplicity and good heart than the nobles whom she serves.


Terezka Prosková, její dcera
Její otec
Manca, jejich dcera
Reisenburský myslivec
Flasinetar Kudrna
Pan správce
Paní správcová
Komorník Leopold
Starsí Adélka
Cerný myslivec
Knezna Vilemína Zahanská
Komtesa Hortensie


Director of Photography
Assistant Director
Production Design
Production Design
Costume Design
Production Manager
Production Manager
Original Music Composer