Sins of Youth (1941)


A rich businessman living alone is deprived of the nephew he was to have brought up decides on his doctor's advice to search for the four illegitimate children he once fathered, which leads him to accept responsibility for his actions.


Monsieur Lacalade
Doctor Pelletan
Edmond Vacheron
Lucien Noblet (uncredited)
Philippe (uncredited)
Frédéric (uncredited)
Fernand Noblet (uncredited)
Simone, the waitress (uncredited)
André (uncredited)
The Usher at the Opera (uncredited)
The palm reader (uncredited)
An admirer (uncredited)
The dresser (uncredited)
An admirer (uncredited)
Maurice (uncredited)
A waitress (uncredited)
A spectator (uncredited)
The cook (uncredited)
The Commissioner (uncredited)
The driver (uncredited)
Marthe Noblet (uncredited)
Mademoiselle Archimbaud (uncredited)
Henriette Noblet
The nurse (uncredited)
The dressmaker (uncredited)
The huckster (uncredited)
Jeanne Noblet (uncredited)
The bellhop (uncredited)
Adèle, the servant (uncredited)
A stallholder (uncredited)
Firmin, the butler (uncredited)
Delormel, the critic (uncredited)
The fat spectator (uncredited)
Miss Florence
Louise Noblet
Gaston Noblet


Scenario Writer