Double Your Pleasure (1978)

Flamboyant Texas millionaire Hubie Haliday hires a hip young private eye to find his two missing wayward identical twin sister nieces, who Haliday suspects stole a considerable sum of his money when they ran away. The private eye searches New York City for the two ladies.


Joan Halliday
Jean Halliday
Mr. Gilbert
Blonde in Shower
Travis' Friend at Photo Shoot
Duncan Efstop
Swinger - Green Dress (uncredited)
First Swinger in White Shoes (uncredited)
Swinger - Cutoffs (uncredited)
Dancing Swinger (uncredited)
Bearded Swinger with Two Girls (uncredited)
Beau Murdock
First Questioned Guy on Street (uncredited)
Joe Murdock
Duke Fowler
Holly Holloway
Hubie Halliday
Julia Gilbert


Director of Photography