Les Deux Fragonard (1989)


The name of painter Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806) is synonymous for a kind of painting style which celebrates carefree romantic life, indoors and out. He was a painter during the final decades of the French monarchy. In this story, he and his brother Cyprien (Robin Renucci), who is an early pioneer in medical anatomy (he dissected corpses and made drawings of what he found in them), have fallen in love with the same woman, Marianne (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu), a laundress. This attraction has not escaped the notice of Salmon d'Anglas (Sami Frey), a conniving nobleman, who has his heart set on getting revenge on Jean-Honore (Joachim de Almeida) for refusing his patronage and becoming the darling of the French court.


Honoré Fragonard
Cyprien Fragonard
Dame de la Poupliniere
Le père de Bernadette
Un anatomiste
Un anatomiste
Le tragédien
Un aristocrate
Une lavandière
Un anatomiste
La jeune actrice
La fille de la taverne
La fille de la taverne
Une lavandière
Une lavandière
Une lavandière
Une lavandière
Salmon d'Anglas
Une lavandière
Le revendeur de peinture
Un aristocrate
Un jongleur du cirque Plume
Un jongleur du cirque Plume
La femme qui se meurt
Le père Rudolphe
Madame Dantes
« La Poicard »


Director of Photography
Assistant Editor