Scammerhead (2014)

A Global Film Noir with dark comic elements about Silas Breece, a legendarily unorthodox business hustler who travels the world seeking capitol from bizarre investors, mobsters and government officials for a series of increasingly elaborate projects.


Ben Sarnus
Wyndham Bawtree
Franz Exelmans
Vico Accrosti
Dr. Herman Dantine
Jacob Vervierd
Gerd Himmelfarb
Call Centre Broker Japp
Silas Breece
Call Centre Broker #2
Ex-Broker #1
Mob Enforcer
Yakuza #2
Commodities Trader #1
Trader (uncredited)
Scrope Jelliver
Miss Iceland/Miss Ireland
Imby Sarnus
Ian Fragmont
Beldon Fenisher
Bruno Tornst


Director of Photography