The Phone Book (2008)


“The Phone Book” is the first-ever film adaptation of the world’s most widely owned book – the telephone directory. To preserve the artistic integrity of the original work, all dialogue has been reproduced exactly as it appears in the source material.


Alison Asher
Sedgwick Davis
Hugh Newman
Wendy Stewart
Zed Zimmerman
Homeless Cap
Homeless Longhair
Homeless Goatee
Stephanie Rossio
Dr. DiCuccio
Phone Operator
Phone Operator
Phone Operator
Phone Operator
Davis Office Man
Davis Office Man
Davis Office Man
Davis Office Man
Universal Receptionist
Restaurant Tourist
Restaurant Tourist
Map With Map
Victoria Donner
Hospital Receptionist
Physician's Assistant
Physician's Assistant
Physician's Assistant
TV Set P.A.
Bus Driver
Bus Rider
Restaurant Patron
Joe Bob Franklin
Restaurant Patron
Our Motto
Phone Operator Voice
Critical Moviegoer
Zed's Friend
Brennan Franklin
Hank Franklin
Erica Johnson
Fred Lawrence
Marilyn Lawrence


Director of Photography