I Never Shot Anyone (2020)


Renji Ishibashi, starring in the movie for the first time in 18 years, plays a hero with two faces, a dull novelist and a legendary killer. Susumu Ichikawa, an obsolete writer with no manuscript at all, had another face - a legendary hitman. But the truth of the matter is... he had never shot a person. One day, he receives a murder request from a friend. Seeing this as an opportunity to achieve the ideal hard-boiled novel, he decides to hire a real hitman and demands that he report to him the assassination situation as it was.


Susumu Ichikawa / Gozen Reiji
Yayoi Ichikawa
Takashi Renjo
Kaname Itsuki
Ami Nakamichi
Yudai Nishihama
Tokuyasu Wakayama
Kazuyuki Ishida
Hikaru Tamayodo
Michio Kodama
Takeshi Shu
Shuhei Moriyama
Tomoya Imanishi
Utama Fukuhara


Director of Photography