The Belgian Job (2012)


Willy Vander Brook, a world with Franco-Belgian roots, travels to Paris for an interview. He is welcomed by his childhood friend Serge, an ex pub operator, and his roommate Frank, a fierce supporter of the Walloon independence. When Willy discovers that his candidacy is not accepted because he is Belgian, he and his compatriots decide to take revenge


Willy Vanderbrook
Jessica / Cécile Morin
le directeur des ressources humaines
la mère de Juliette
le sommelier
le vieux militaire
Uri Moshonov
le policier 1 république
la speakrine TV
le parisien
le vendeur de limousines
une passante
un habitué belge
une habituée belge
Serge Luyperts
le directeur Detarnaud
le concierge Paul Bertin
Henri-Louis Vuiret
le chef Michel Mérac


Executive Producer
Executive Producer